This review was submitted by Tyra
I was so focused on my career and finishing school that I had no desire to date. After about two years of being single and my life slowed down a little bit I thought it may be a nice idea to try to meet someone again. I had horrible experiences in the past with dating so I figured that enlisting some help may be a good idea.
I am a research junkie and after a few days of searching I decided to try a website called They had an attraction love spell that appealed to me and my situation. I have always believed in witchcraft but never tried it myself which is why I wanted someone else to cast the spell for me. The plan was for this spell to attract a new soul mate into my life. I was told that the right person would present themselves and we would hit it off.
A few months went by and I became discouraged. Then out of the blue I was at my friend's birthday party and her cousin was visiting from out of town. I talked to him all night and it seemed like we never ran out of things to discuss. For the next week straight we spent every day together and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said that I would be his girlfriend if he agreed to move closer. He said he would start working on it and shortly after that moved into the same town as me.
We have been together ever since and I could not be happier. We are living together and talking about getting married. I have never felt a connection with anyone as deeply as I do with him and I KNOW it was the spell that brought him to me. Our connection was magical and I can not thank Marcy and her friends at enough! I am walking proof that their spells work well!
This review was submitted by Jamie
It's embarrassing to admit, but I was in an emotionally abusive relationship for a few years while I was in college. When I finally got out of it I was done with dating for a long time. After I took some time to myself and reconnected with friends and family, I wanted to put some effort into meeting someone new. I went on a dating website and met a few guys for dinner. I did not feel the connection with any of them and took a break for a while.
I went to a new age shop and saw that they gave psychic readings and did spell casting. I did not know this was a service that people actually offered. I thought about it for a few days and when I went back to have a love spell cast they were closed. My next step was to search online for someone to cast a love spell for me. That's when I found I spoke with Kristie about my situation and she recommended the customized love spell to help me find my future husband.
It took about a month after she did the love spell until I met him. I was at a fancy restaurant with some friends and he was our waiter. He was charming and very outgoing. I did not think that he liked me until he asked for my number when we were getting ready to leave. I gave it to him and he called the next day. We have so much in common its crazy! This has been the healthiest relationship that I have ever been in and I have never been happier!
Spell Reviews and Successful Spells Cast
Read reviews about spell casters and spells that have worked for other people. It is important to use a witch that has cast spells helping others successfully. Reviews include love spells, binding spells, lottery spells, money spells, protection spells and more that have changed the lives of others permanently.
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Thursday, April 5, 2018
Leprechaun Luck Spell Box - Lucky as a Rabbit's Foot
My story is an epic one that will forever be embedded into our good family memories. I planned our yearly trip to Las Vegas where my wife and I drop the kids off at an aunt's house and stay on the strip for a few days. We enjoy our time exploring and gambling our way through Vegas each year. It gives us a chance to reconnect and just be together without the kids.

This review was submitted by Amanda.
I started experiencing horrible luck and knew that I needed to turn it around. It was like everything around me was just crumbling and I was beginning to think I was cursed. My logical mind told me not to go down that route and instead focus on bringing more positive energy into my life. I found Jean Claude Swann and thought maybe he could help me with his "Turn Bad Luck Into Good Luck Spell."
I ordered it and he cast it for me. It took a while to start working but when it did finally kick in I was pleasantly surprised with the results. I lost my job but was offered a much better position. My boyfriend cheated on me but I ended up meeting someone that matched my heart better. My finances improved and everything seemed to be better than normal. I felt the energy of the spell the day it was cast and I felt it manifesting too. It was weird but in a good way! Plus I'm super happy about my spell results!
Friday, June 16, 2017
Is it possible to win the lottery with a spell?
We asked the question "Is there someone out there that is able to cast a spell that helps you win the lottery?" After receiving some feedback these are some of the responses we received.
This review was submitted by Regina
I love playing scratch off lottery tickets and buy them every week after I get paid. It has always been a dream of mine to win enough to get out of debt and have a little extra money in the bank. I never wanted to get greedy but I did want enough to be more comfortable and not worry about how I'm going to pay the bills. I took a chance when I found a website that offered a spell designed to help people win more when they play scratch offs. It was the best $200 I have ever spent! I had to save for about a month to be able to comfortably afford the spell. I had it targeted towards my favorite scratch off game. The instructions were to buy a few tickets each week and I would win something good within a 90 day period. Over the course of the next month I won a bunch of smaller amounts totaling around $500. I was happy with that but then something even better happened. I won a prize of $5,000! It was the perfect amount to pay off some credit card debt and have a little in savings. I thought that the smaller prizes I was winning were nice but when I hit that amount I was crying! I'm extremely grateful for these lottery wins and am going to have another lottery spell cast by the same coven this week! I found my spell at and recommend them to anyone looking for a money spell that works!
This review was submitted by Michelle
I had a dream that someone cast a spell for me to win the lottery. It was so vivid that when I woke up I started searching google to see if something like this existed. I found Maxim from I ordered a spell to help me win the lottery. A few weeks later I more than doubled the money that I invested in the spell! I was happy and surprised that this happened. My friends and family thought that I was crazy having something like this done but I felt that my guides were telling me to do it!
This review was submitted by Lisa
I was researching different tools to help pick lottery numbers when I stumbled upon a website that helps you win the lottery. It intrigued me so I gave it a shot. I'm a gambler so I'm willing to try anything once. I used They promised to help me win millions which caught my attention. About 6 months later I won a few thousand dollars which was the largest lottery win I have ever had in my life. My husband was able to get some medical treatments that we could not afford previously. I know it was because of the spell I ordered!
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Protection Spell Reviews Stop Negative Energy From Entering
This review was submitted by Doug
I was terrified about this ghost that was entering my home at night. I kept seeing the shadow of a man appearing and it FREAKED me out! I turned on the light and he was gone. It happened a dozen times before I ordered the Soul Protection Spell from Then it finally stopped bothering me and I never saw it again. I was happy not to wake up and see a figure in my room anymore.
This review was submitted by Anonymous
The haunting started with just this eerie creepy feeling when I moved into my new home. The first week of being there I started feeling anxiety when the sun went down. It was not a feeling that I was used to or could explain. I brushed it off at first but then I thought that I saw a woman out of the corner of my eye one multiple times. One time I saw facial features and thought that I was going crazy. It really scared me! She always disappeared in a split second but I got the sense that she was mad for some reason. I tried talking to her and then things started moving. First it was a pen. Then it was a glass. I had a psychic cleanse the house and the activity died down for a while.
I thought that I was in the clear but then one night someone laid down next to me in bed. I literally ran out of my house screaming in the middle of the night. My neighbor was coming home from work at the time because he worked the night shift and asked what was wrong. I had him go through my house to see if someone was there and found nothing. I knew that I had a serious problem on my hands. I did not want people to think I was crazy nor did I want to feel that way. Before this started happening I did not believe in ghosts.
I did some research and decided to take a new approach. I saw something on TV where people used witches to get rid of their ghosts so I did the same. I contacted a group called and they did a home protection spell. I had to give them my address, name and birth date. While they were casting this spell I stayed at a friend's house. When I came home a few days later I walked through the front door and didn't feel anything negative. It was refreshing. The ghost that was bothering me stopped and I had peace restored. I never had a problem like this before and hope it never comes back! It has been about 6 months since I had that protection spell cast and it worked instantly. I'm very happy to have my home back!
I was terrified about this ghost that was entering my home at night. I kept seeing the shadow of a man appearing and it FREAKED me out! I turned on the light and he was gone. It happened a dozen times before I ordered the Soul Protection Spell from Then it finally stopped bothering me and I never saw it again. I was happy not to wake up and see a figure in my room anymore.
This review was submitted by Anonymous
The haunting started with just this eerie creepy feeling when I moved into my new home. The first week of being there I started feeling anxiety when the sun went down. It was not a feeling that I was used to or could explain. I brushed it off at first but then I thought that I saw a woman out of the corner of my eye one multiple times. One time I saw facial features and thought that I was going crazy. It really scared me! She always disappeared in a split second but I got the sense that she was mad for some reason. I tried talking to her and then things started moving. First it was a pen. Then it was a glass. I had a psychic cleanse the house and the activity died down for a while.
I thought that I was in the clear but then one night someone laid down next to me in bed. I literally ran out of my house screaming in the middle of the night. My neighbor was coming home from work at the time because he worked the night shift and asked what was wrong. I had him go through my house to see if someone was there and found nothing. I knew that I had a serious problem on my hands. I did not want people to think I was crazy nor did I want to feel that way. Before this started happening I did not believe in ghosts.
I did some research and decided to take a new approach. I saw something on TV where people used witches to get rid of their ghosts so I did the same. I contacted a group called and they did a home protection spell. I had to give them my address, name and birth date. While they were casting this spell I stayed at a friend's house. When I came home a few days later I walked through the front door and didn't feel anything negative. It was refreshing. The ghost that was bothering me stopped and I had peace restored. I never had a problem like this before and hope it never comes back! It has been about 6 months since I had that protection spell cast and it worked instantly. I'm very happy to have my home back!
Tuesday, July 14, 2015
Moon Magic Love Spells Proven to Work
This review was submitted by Jason
"When my girlfriend and I broke up I had no confidence in myself at all. I felt stuck. I was feeling
desperate and found myself sad or angry all of the time. I really just wanted to be happy again. So, one night I was
doing some research online and came across spell casters at I thought that maybe I was going crazy to even consider having a spell
cast to try to help me out of my rut. At this point of desperation, I felt like
I was out of
options, and decided to take the leap of faith.
I am so happy that I decided to do this. I feel as though I was guided to this website. Even though I was missing my girlfriend, I realized I wanted a fresh start with a new beginning. I chose to go with the "Life Changing Love Spell" especially because I was told that is was customized to fit around exactly what I was needing at the time. They told me that it would draw a new love my way (or my ex if that is the route I wanted to go, which I opted out of) They also said that they would add their get a job spell to it, as well as making my over all luck and fortune would turn around. I was told that I would feel better about myself, and gain the confidence that I had lost. I am happy to say that they were right! I not only met the love of my life whom I am marrying next year, but I found a new career path, and I couldn't be happier. I have my love, my confidence, and a new higher paying job all because I took the leap of faith.
I was very skeptical at first to think that such a thing could be possible. I never realized that a group of witches could actually be the ones to bring my happiness back in my life. Then I thought, "You know what Jason? With out any risk in life, there is no reward in life." I feel like I owe it to the coven at to give them a shout out and let the world know that they know what they are doing. They can help you get out of your funk just like they did for me. They turned a skeptic into a believer. If you are doubting if they can help you, the best advice that I can give you, is take the leap of faith and get a moon magic spell cast!"
This review was submitted by Andy
"I found Christopher Golden's website and saw good reviews so I decided to give him a shot. He was expensive, but gave me a good reading and suggested a love spell. I had him cast a spell to get my ex-girlfriend back and within two months she just showed up at my work telling me that she was in the area and was thinking of me. We have been slowly working through our issues but are on the right track and I am very happy with the guidance that Christopher provided!"
I am so happy that I decided to do this. I feel as though I was guided to this website. Even though I was missing my girlfriend, I realized I wanted a fresh start with a new beginning. I chose to go with the "Life Changing Love Spell" especially because I was told that is was customized to fit around exactly what I was needing at the time. They told me that it would draw a new love my way (or my ex if that is the route I wanted to go, which I opted out of) They also said that they would add their get a job spell to it, as well as making my over all luck and fortune would turn around. I was told that I would feel better about myself, and gain the confidence that I had lost. I am happy to say that they were right! I not only met the love of my life whom I am marrying next year, but I found a new career path, and I couldn't be happier. I have my love, my confidence, and a new higher paying job all because I took the leap of faith.
I was very skeptical at first to think that such a thing could be possible. I never realized that a group of witches could actually be the ones to bring my happiness back in my life. Then I thought, "You know what Jason? With out any risk in life, there is no reward in life." I feel like I owe it to the coven at to give them a shout out and let the world know that they know what they are doing. They can help you get out of your funk just like they did for me. They turned a skeptic into a believer. If you are doubting if they can help you, the best advice that I can give you, is take the leap of faith and get a moon magic spell cast!"
This review was submitted by Andy
"I found Christopher Golden's website and saw good reviews so I decided to give him a shot. He was expensive, but gave me a good reading and suggested a love spell. I had him cast a spell to get my ex-girlfriend back and within two months she just showed up at my work telling me that she was in the area and was thinking of me. We have been slowly working through our issues but are on the right track and I am very happy with the guidance that Christopher provided!"
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Life Changing Love Spell - 5 Star Review
This review submitted by Jamie
"My boyfriend treated me like crap. He was a controlling jerk that didn't respect
our relationship, nor myself. On one hand, I wanted it to work because I saw a
different side of him at one time. He was a good enough manipulator that I would
believe him when he told me, that he would become that man to me again. On the
other hand, I knew he wasn't right for me. We spent so many years together, that
I felt the obligation to stick it out. Our lives had intertwined so much over a
dozen years together, having a business, house, and animals together. It seemed
like at the time the right thing to do. (I know)
Point being, a friend told me about this website:
She said, "they are a group of 15 witches that perform castings of spells to
change peoples lives for the better." She also said, "she was as skeptical as I
am that this could really work." She had then explained to me how they build
energy off of the moon. The reason there are so many in their coven is because,
they want to create plenty of energy for each spell to have enough power to
work. Even though, I personally was skeptical I figured I had nothing to lose.
At this point I was so miserable I needed to try anything to be happy once again
in my life. That is when both I decided to give it a try, AND feel the need and
obligation to write this review. (Because of the results.)
I ordered the "Life Changing Love Spell" What is great about this spell, is you
can totally customize it to exactly what you need and the results are permanent. I wanted to first end my
relationship amicably, and then, I wanted to find someone new that I would fall
deeply in love with. (I really missed sharing a connection with someone that was
just awesome to be around.) someone who got me. Someone that I got. A mutual
respect for one another. You know? Someone that finished my sentences, or said
the same thing as me at the same time... that kind of connection. Next, I wanted
to see if they can make my overall luck change around. I wanted a full fresh
start on life.
This review submitted by Mike
My wife was cheating on me with someone she worked with when I found I did a lot of research on which spells work because I did not have a lot of money to spend. I ordered the stay faithful love spell and she ended up quitting her job and focusing her attention on me again!
"My boyfriend treated me like crap. He was a controlling jerk that didn't respect
our relationship, nor myself. On one hand, I wanted it to work because I saw a
different side of him at one time. He was a good enough manipulator that I would
believe him when he told me, that he would become that man to me again. On the
other hand, I knew he wasn't right for me. We spent so many years together, that
I felt the obligation to stick it out. Our lives had intertwined so much over a
dozen years together, having a business, house, and animals together. It seemed
like at the time the right thing to do. (I know)
Point being, a friend told me about this website:
She said, "they are a group of 15 witches that perform castings of spells to
change peoples lives for the better." She also said, "she was as skeptical as I
am that this could really work." She had then explained to me how they build
energy off of the moon. The reason there are so many in their coven is because,
they want to create plenty of energy for each spell to have enough power to
work. Even though, I personally was skeptical I figured I had nothing to lose.
At this point I was so miserable I needed to try anything to be happy once again
in my life. That is when both I decided to give it a try, AND feel the need and
obligation to write this review. (Because of the results.)
I ordered the "Life Changing Love Spell" What is great about this spell, is you
can totally customize it to exactly what you need and the results are permanent. I wanted to first end my
relationship amicably, and then, I wanted to find someone new that I would fall
deeply in love with. (I really missed sharing a connection with someone that was
just awesome to be around.) someone who got me. Someone that I got. A mutual
respect for one another. You know? Someone that finished my sentences, or said
the same thing as me at the same time... that kind of connection. Next, I wanted
to see if they can make my overall luck change around. I wanted a full fresh
start on life.
This review submitted by Mike
My wife was cheating on me with someone she worked with when I found I did a lot of research on which spells work because I did not have a lot of money to spend. I ordered the stay faithful love spell and she ended up quitting her job and focusing her attention on me again!
Monday, March 16, 2015
Reviews on Customized Love Spells that Worked
This review submitted by Anonymous
My girlfriend and I were together for 5 years. This was and still is the woman of my dreams. After 4 years I could sense something was off. She started to grow distant, but at the end of the day, she told me that she was just tired from working long hours. I believe that when you are in love with someone, your gut knows better. I was pressuring her for answers and she finally came clean that she had been "seeing" one of my closest friends. (nice friend) She told me that she was falling in love with him and I was devastated! After all, this was the woman that I saw myself building a family with, and spending the rest of my life with. She left me and moved in with my "friend". I went through a terrible depression. I tried everything to get out of my funk, and nothing seemed to make the pain go away. I was talking to a friend of mine, and she told me about a website called www.witchcraftmoonspells.comShe told me that a coven of witches who specialized in binding lovers back together had helped her out in a similar situation. I was VERY skeptical. Wouldn't any and everyone who had a broken heart just do this? I asked myself. I was so desperate and had no other options, so I gave it a go. I ordered a customized love spell. I asked them to break them up, and return her to me more in love then ever. I couldn't and still can't believe that it worked! After a little over a month, she e-mailed me, and asked me if we could talk. I agreed to meet her for coffee, and she told me everything that I wanted to hear. She told me that she made the biggest mistake of her life and she was willing to do anything to make our relationship work. We went through couples therapy, and things couldn't be better. We got married last summer, and she is pregnant with our first baby. Life couldn't get any better, and I owe it all to the coven at
This review submitted by Christine
I'm writing this review because I think its important for people to know that they too can get their relationship back before its too late. I started noticing my fiance becoming more and more distant last summer. He seemed to always be busy at work and with his baseball team. I knew something was off when he didn't even want to take our yearly vacation! I started digging into his phone records when I found the text messages he was sending to another woman. I was heartbroken and felt like I was losing him more and more everyday. I was willing to do anything to get him back and get this other woman out of our lives for good. I had a tarot card reading done in the past by a group of witches that was recommended to me. It was so detailed that I felt maybe they could help fix my relationship with one of their custom love spells. I had never tried or even heard of doing anything this drastic before, but I didn't know what else to do. I felt like I was losing my world!
About a month and a half later, he ended his relationship with this other woman and felt like I got him back emotionally again. We talked all day everyday about what happened for a month and now I feel like we are better than we ever were! I know that he feels bad for hurting me and will never stray again. I am forever thankful that Marcy at and her group of witches helped fix my relationship!
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Soul Mate Attraction Spells That Work
This review was submitted by Tyra I was so focused on my career and finishing school that I had no desire to date. After about two years of...

This review submitted by Anonymous My girlfriend and I were together for 5 years. This was and still is the woman of my dreams. After 4...
This review submitted by Quin S. To make a long, agonizing story short, my wife and I started having problems right after our daughter ...
Story submitted by Diane K. One of my best friends is always going to psychics and witches to have readings and spells cast. She has always...